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(Hoboken, 12 dicembre 1915 - Los Angeles, 14 maggio 1998)


A $20,000 snow plow destined for a little town in Italy was paid for today after a big benefit entertainment program here Friday night. The plow is to be taken aboard ship tomorrow to go to a village in the Appenines, Capracotta. It will be received officially in Naples by Ambassador James Clement Dunn, who will accompany it to Capracotta. There the Ambassador will present Jersey City's gift to Mayor Gennaro Carnevale. Early last Fall Carnevale wrote Mayor John V. Kenny of Jersey City, telling him how his town of 3,071 persons is virtually isolated in the Winter by mountainous snow drifts. The result was a plan to give the people of Capracotta a plow as a Christmas gift from the people of this industrial city which has a strong Italian-American population. Friday night the show was staged to complete a drive for funds. Entertainment was provided by stars of screen, radio, television and sports. They included singer Frank Sinatra, once a Jersey City resident himself, comedian Jimmy Durante, and former heavyweight boxing champion James J. Braddock. Zampella, chairman of the drve, read a scroll from Capracotta, making Kenny an honorary citizen of the Italian village.

  • Jersey City Show Climaxes Capracotta Snow Plow Drive, 1949.

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